Clear Pores
I keep getting a few spots here and there and over a coffee a friend suggested trying out ClearPores. To be honest, I had never heard of it but a quick search explained to me all I needed to know.
ClearPores is a 3 step cleansing system for acne. The system is a natural one that is endorsed by both doctors and herbalists. Basically the system helps to kill the bacteria that causes the acne, from the inside and outside of the skin.
Step 1 is a deep cleansing wash that removes all the dirt and grime from the skin. It unclogs the pores and removes excessive sebum while preventing the formation of blackheads and whiteheads.
Step 2 is a herbal supplement that works to protect the skin from the inside. The natural herbs it contains work on the acne bacteria at the source. It also prevents the productions of excessive sebum and reduces inflammation, redness, scarring etc.
Step 3 is the protection cream which provides anti-inflammatory relief, protects the skin and prevents from clogging.
I basically tried this system for a few months to get rid of some spots that seemed to always crop up on my face. The result! I loved it. It doesn’t work immediately, it took me around 2 weeks to start seeing results and then I was very happy with what I saw. Literally no more of those red inflamed spots! I was worried that the spots would return once I went off these products but amazingly 4 and a half weeks have now passed and I still have very clear skin. Definitely a product I would recommend to friends!

ClearPores is a 3 step cleansing system for acne. The system is a natural one that is endorsed by both doctors and herbalists. Basically the system helps to kill the bacteria that causes the acne, from the inside and outside of the skin.
Step 1 is a deep cleansing wash that removes all the dirt and grime from the skin. It unclogs the pores and removes excessive sebum while preventing the formation of blackheads and whiteheads.
Step 2 is a herbal supplement that works to protect the skin from the inside. The natural herbs it contains work on the acne bacteria at the source. It also prevents the productions of excessive sebum and reduces inflammation, redness, scarring etc.
Step 3 is the protection cream which provides anti-inflammatory relief, protects the skin and prevents from clogging.
I basically tried this system for a few months to get rid of some spots that seemed to always crop up on my face. The result! I loved it. It doesn’t work immediately, it took me around 2 weeks to start seeing results and then I was very happy with what I saw. Literally no more of those red inflamed spots! I was worried that the spots would return once I went off these products but amazingly 4 and a half weeks have now passed and I still have very clear skin. Definitely a product I would recommend to friends!